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- From: dmintun9@idt.liberty.com (Denny)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.research,alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy.area51,alt.paranet.abduct,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.sci.time-travel,alt.sci.planetary,alt.ufo.reports,alt.alien,alt.bermuda.triangle
- Subject: Re: Here is some of my thinking that I think we should now start thinking.
- Date: 7 Jul 1996 22:16:42 GMT
- Organization: P.L.A.N.
- Lines: 44
- Message-ID: <dmintun9-0707961427370001@ppp406.liberty.com>
- References: <4ma9gu$8tb@info.abdn.ac.uk> <4msecr$c7l@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4n06ho$gmu@lastactionhero.rs.itd.umich.edu> <conrad4-1105962343160001@dal25-29.ppp.iadfw.net> <4n7lf8$dvr@lastactionhero.rs.itd.umich.edu> <31BD644C.3803@goodnet.com> <31C035B6.719C@inforamp.net> <4pqnvb$jmj@mtinsc01-mgt.ops.worldnet.att.net> <4q8l87$lsa@news.uni-c.dk> <31CBF961.1578@airmail.net> <davis-2306960743240001@pm002-17.dialip.mich.net> <31CF6FC1.785C@infolink.net> <31CF7F44.69D2@infolink.net> <4r4k7l$vd@gaia.ns.utk.edu> <31D8BF28.5A85@data.net.mx>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ppp406.liberty.com
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.research:27950 alt.alien.visitors:92368 alt.conspiracy.area51:12321 alt.paranet.abduct:6397 alt.paranet.ufo:56066 alt.sci.time-travel:5786 alt.sci.planetary:5392 alt.ufo.reports:10235
- In article <31D8BF28.5A85@data.net.mx>, Alfie Urencio Del Rφo
- <aurhrakl@data.net.mx> wrote:
- > Matt Kennel wrote:
- >
- > > We'd feel upset and misunderstood and do whatever we could to
- > > openly demonstrate to them that we were not harmful or evil.
- > >
- > > That means open and patient contact. E.g. like that nice travelogue
- > > we sent up with the Voyager probe.
- > >
- > > If aliens are coming here they aren't doing a very good job of this,
- > > (i.e. nothing whatsoever) so the most likely conclusion is that
- > > they don't care.
- > >
- > > If they don't care should we call them "friends"?
- > >
- > > If we went to another planet today we would not behave as rudely
- > > as "aliens" are if they are in fact coming here.
- > >
- That's a bunch of garbage. The first response, at least in the US, would
- be to "shoot first, and ask questions later".
- Even with advanced technology, outworlder's have no interest in starting a
- war--which is what WOULD happen if they just, say landed on the White
- House lawn.
- "Discretion is the better part of Valor".
- In Unconditional Love,
- --->Denny
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